• 文献标题:   Quasi-freestanding graphene on Ni(110): A graphene/metal contact with suppressed interface states
  • 文献类型:   Article
  • 作  者:   POLITANO A
  • 作者关键词:   graphene, electronic propertie, synchrotron radiation, xray photoelectron spectroscopy, nearedge xray photoelectron spectroscopy
  • 出版物名称:   NANO RESEARCH
  • ISSN:   1998-0124 EI 1998-0000
  • 通讯作者地址:   Univ Calabria
  • 被引频次:   7
  • DOI:   10.1007/s12274-016-1072-3
  • 出版年:   2016

▎ 摘  要

Graphene/Ni(110) has been studied by time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure. The C 1s core level shows a splitting typical of periodically rippled interfaces. The analysis of the C K-edge reveals that the interface states previously observed for graphene/Ni(111) are suppressed in graphene/Ni(110). This suppression is due to the reduced hybridization of the Dirac-cone electrons in graphene with the d-bands of the (110)-oriented nickel contacts. Our results show that, contrary to commensurate growth of graphene on Ni(111), epitaxially grown graphene on Ni(110) behaves as a quasi-freestanding sheet, as the lattice mismatch gives rise to a moir, reconstruction.