▎ 摘 要
GnP doped Al2O3 flexible tapes were produced through Tape Casting technique and used as substrates to produce Co2FeAl/GnP doped Al2O3 heterostructures. The Co2FeAl layers were grown using Magnetron Sputtering with a thickness of 30 nm. The integration of Tape Casting and Magnetron sputtering techniques allowed us to explore the thermomagnetic properties of the heterostructure through the Anomalous Nernst Effect. The structural and morphological properties of the substrates and the magnetization curves support the thermomagnetic results. The Co2FeAl ferromagnetic films presented isotropic magnetic behavior, which was reflected in the thermomagnetic curves through the stability of the curve's shape irrespectively of the thermal gradient and angle of the external magnetic field used during the measurements. Our findings open new possibilities to produce flexible heterostructures with multifunctional properties, where the versatilities of the Tape casting and magnetron sputtering techniques bring new routes to build nanostructured materials.