▎ 摘 要
In the growing field of graphene-based materials (GBM) for biomedical application, it is crucial to understand how different physicochemical properties of GBM influence interaction with biomolecules like protein, growth factors, and amino acids that could elicit cell fate. At present, many exciting reviews are available that collectively emphasize the importance of protein and growth factor interaction with GBM to regulate cell function. However, not a single review is available to signify the importance of amino acid interaction on GBM to regulate cell response. Given that, media contain several essential amino acids, which have been shown to regulate cellular metabolism and function. Several research articles independently looked into the molecular interaction of amino acids with different GBM and studied their biological response. Hence, it is important to compile such studies to collectively create a consensus on how different amino acids interact with different GBM at the molecular level and how such interactions regulate cell response differently. This review collectively gathers such studies and tries to establish a link between amino acid interaction with different GBM co-relating to cell response.