▎ 摘 要
Novel 3D hierarchically porous and nitrogen-doped graphene-like microspheres (3D NPGSs) are prepared by precursor-assisted chemical vapor deposition. 3D NPGSs obtained by using Ni microspheres as a structural template exhibit a 3D conductive framework, and have a well-defined porous structure, large surface area and appropriate heteroatom doping, making them suitable for high-performance storage of lithium ions. Consequently, a good rate capability and excellent cycle performance are achieved using the 3D NPGSs as anodes for lithium storage, and a high reversible capacity of 840mAhg(-1) is obtained after 200cycles. For a further capacitance boost, a thin layer of iron oxide nanoparticles is deposited onto the 3D NPGSs. The resulting 3D FeOx-NPGS electrode exhibits a stable reversible capacity up to 1343mAhg(-1) after 100cycles.