▎ 摘 要
The effect of the filler content and concentration on the structural, electrical, mechanical, and electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness (SE) is reported in epoxy (Ep)/Graphene (Gr)/Nickel ferrite (NiF) based hybrid composite. The paper also presents the use of nickel ferrite in achieving magnetic alignment using a low magnetic field (0.165 T). The effect of magnetic alignment on the properties of the composites is also studied. The graphene content in Ep/Gr composite is varied systematically to obtain electrical percolation. A percolation threshold value of 1% was obtained using a simple solution-based processing technique. The dielectric and magnetic loss enhancement with the addition of magnetic nanoparticles of nickel ferrite was attempted. Dielectric and magnetic loss is studied based on the permittivity and permeability measurement in the frequency range 8.2-12.4 GHz. Total SE in this frequency range is studied and the effect of the filler content and magnetic alignment on SE is discussed.