▎ 摘 要
Vertical polyaniline (PANI) nanowire arrays on graphene-sheet-coated polyester cloth (RGO/PETC) were fabricated by the insitu chemical polymerization of aniline. The 3D conductive network that was formed by the graphene sheets greatly enhanced the conductivity of PANI/RGO/PETC and improved its mechanical stability. PANI nanowire arrays increased the active surface area of PANI, whilst the hierarchically porous structure of the PANI/RGO/PETC electrode facilitated the diffusion of the electrolyte ions. Electrochemical measurements showed that the composite electrode exhibited a maximum specific capacitance of 1293Fg(-1) at a current density of 1Ag(-1). Capacitance retention was greater than 95%, even after 3000cycles, which indicated that the electrode material has excellent cycling stability. Moreover, the electrode structure endowed the PANI/RGO/PETC electrode with a stable electrochemical performance under mechanical bending and stretching.