▎ 摘 要
Electrochemical exfoliation of graphite is a method for synthesizing graphene oxide (GO) with fewer structural defects than GO synthesized by conventional chemical oxidation. Photoreduction of GO has been focused on due to their facile procedures, and environmental friendliness. In this report, electrochemically-exfoliated graphene oxide (EGO) was irradiated by vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light at 140 degrees C under a high vacuum environment, named thermal-assisted VUV light treatment. Conductive atomic force microscopy was used to investigate the electrical characteristics of individual sheets on the nanometer scale. The electrical conductivity of the treated sheet (1.4 x 10(5 )S m(-1)) was higher than the pristine EGO by an order of magnitude. The chemical and structural analysis showed that the EGO was reduced and their pi-conjugated domains were restored through a hybrid of photochemical and thermal treatment. These results indicate that our hybrid approach has the potential for reducing the EGO.