▎ 摘 要
This review describes the various applications of graphene derivative (GO/rGO) with the tungsten oxide nanocomposite such as supercapacitor, electrochromism, photocatalysis and energy sensing. This review article also presents the properties of tungsten oxide with the graphene derivatives and their classification on basis of transition metals, metal oxides, nonmetals, sulfide, and polymers. Graphene oxide is a wonder material that has the potential to impart extraordinary properties into several hybrid materials, resulting in distinctive application in enormous domains. The impressive application and properties of the graphene derivatives have been discussed in this review article. The transition metal oxides (TMOs) have gained considerable research attention due to their unique physicochemical characteristics. Among TMOs, tungsten oxide (WO3) is a versatile material with excellent properties, diverse applications, stability, and low fabrication cost. The enhanced property of tungsten oxide by incorporation of graphene derivatives is also discussed in this review. The main focus of this review article is to summarize the 5-year applications of GO/rGO-based tungsten oxide nanocomposite in energy storage (super capacitors and batteries), gas sensor devices, electrochromism, and photocatalyst. This review article will also provide the research gap and can excite new ideas for further improvement of GO/rGO-based tungsten oxide nanocomposite. [GRAPHICS]