▎ 摘 要
Lysozyme (Lyz) is an important antibacterial protein that exists widely in nature. In recent years, the application of graphene oxide (GO) in the field of biotechnology electronics, optics, chemistry and energy storage has been extensively studied. However, due to the unique properties of GO, the mechanism of its interaction with biomacromolecule proteins is very complex. To further explore the interaction between GO and proteins we explore the influence of different pH and heat treatment conditions on the interaction between GO and Lyz, the GO (0-20 mu g/mL) was added at a fixed Lyz concentration (0.143 mg/mL) under different pHs. The structure and surface charge changes of Lyz were measured by spectroscopic analysis and zeta potential. The results showed that the interaction between GO and Lyz depends on temperature and pH, significant changes have taken place in its tertiary and secondary structures. By analyzing the UV absorption spectrum, it was found that lysozyme and GO formed a stable complex, and the conformation of the enzyme was changed. In acidic pH conditions (i.e., pH < pI), a high density of Lyz were found to adsorb on the GO surface, whereas an increase in pH resulted in a progressive decrease in the density of the adsorbed Lyz. This pH-dependent adsorption is ascribed to the electrostatic interactions between the negatively charged GO surface and the tunable ionization of the Lyz molecules. The secondary structure of Lyz adsorbed on GO was also found to be highly dependent on the pH. In this paper, we investigated the exact mechanism of pH-influenced GO binding to lysozyme, which has important guidance significance for the potential toxicity of GO biology and its applications in biomedical fields such as structure-based drug design. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.