• 专利标题:   Producing iodine adsorption filter used to for adsorb iodine from radioactive waste liquid, comprises mixing bismuth graphene oxide, binder, thickener, and water to form coating mixture and coating coating mixture on predetermined filter.
  • 专利号:   KR2023085670-A
  • 发明人:   KIM W
  • 专利权人:   NC SQUARE CO LTD
  • 国际专利分类:   B01J020/02, B01J020/20, B01J020/30, G21F009/12
  • 专利详细信息:   KR2023085670-A 14 Jun 2023 B01J-020/02 202352 Pages: 12
  • 申请详细信息:   KR2023085670-A KR174074 07 Dec 2021
  • 优先权号:   KR174074

▎ 摘  要

NOVELTY - Producing iodine adsorption filter, comprises (S110) mixing bismuth graphene oxide produced by reacting graphene oxide with bismuth nitrate, a binder, a thickener, and water to form a coating mixture; and (b) coating the coating mixture on a predetermined filter. USE - The iodine adsorption filter is useful for adsorbing iodine from radioactive waste liquid. ADVANTAGE - The iodine adsorption filter: increases convenience and efficiency in adsorbing iodine from radioactive waste liquid by allowing iodine to be adsorbed by an adsorbent coated on the filter; and easily adsorb and increase the adsorption efficiency at the same time. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) - The drawing shows a flowchart illustrating a method for producing an iodine adsorption filter (Drawing includes non-English language text). S110Producing coating mixture S120Supplying coating mixture to the surface of the plate-type filter S130Drying the filter S140Curing the dried filter