• 专利标题:   Optical structure comprises first optically transparent material having first refractive index and first thickness that is approximately half-wavelength of a center wavelength of incident light, and a second optically transparent material coupled to the first optically transparent material.
  • 专利号:   US11243333-B1
  • 国际专利分类:   G02B001/11, G02B027/01, G02B027/28, G02B006/02
  • 专利详细信息:   US11243333-B1 08 Feb 2022 G02B-001/11 202224 English
  • 申请详细信息:   US11243333-B1 US170002 24 Oct 2018
  • 优先权号:   US170002

▎ 摘  要

NOVELTY - Optical lens structure comprises first optically transparent material 140a having first refractive index and first thickness that is approximately half-wavelength of a center wavelength of incident light. A second optically transparent material 150a coupled to the first optically transparent material. The second optically transparent material defining a multiple nano voids and having second refractive index that is lower than the first refractive index, and a second thickness that is approximately a quarter-wavelength of a center wavelength of incident light. The second optically transparent material includes concentration of the multiple nano voids per unit volume that is approximately 10-90%. USE - Optical structure. ADVANTAGE - The optical lens structure reduces unwanted gas-phase reactions and improves the deposited material's uniformity across the substrate. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) - The drawing shows schematic view of the optical structure. Optical component (130) First optically transparent material (140a) Second optically transparent materials (150a) Nanovoid stack ( 155)