• 专利标题:   Method for preparing non-contact limiting domain growth graphene, involves providing inner cavity of CVD furnace with barrier layer, and placing growth substrate below barrier layer, distance interval between barrier layer and growth substrate.
  • 专利号:   CN116332165-A
  • 发明人:   CHEN G, CHEN Q, CAI J
  • 国际专利分类:   C01B032/186
  • 专利详细信息:   CN116332165-A 27 Jun 2023 C01B-032/186 202356 Chinese
  • 申请详细信息:   CN116332165-A CN10394529 13 Apr 2023
  • 优先权号:   CN10394529

▎ 摘  要

NOVELTY - The method involves providing an inner cavity of a CVD furnace with a barrier layer and a cold source. The barrier layer is provided with a limiting structure passing through thickness. The limiting structure is connected with the cold source, placing a growth substrate below the barrier layer, and a distance interval between the barrier and the growth substrate, where the orthographic projection area of the confinement structure is the growth area of graphene, and the roll-to-roll CVD process is used to produce a graphene. USE - Method for preparing non-contact limiting domain growth graphene. ADVANTAGE - The method enables improving preparation quality of the patterned graphene, and compatible roll-to-roll CVD preparation process, because there is no contact, no barrier layer is introduced on the growth substrate, so it will not introduce impurities, and will not affect the quality of film graphene. Because the graphene to be prepared is customized shape, so the effect of the limiting structure is that it does not need to grow graphite alkene to block growth substrate using low temperature domain to limit the growth of growth substrate. By shaping limiting structure, growth of graphene can be realized, interval a certain distance between the barrier layer and growth substrate is set to be 0. 5-5 mm. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) - The drawing shows a flow diagram a method for preparing non-contact limiting domain growth graphene (Drawing includes non-English language text).