• 专利标题:   Producing graphene directly from pulp, paper, or paper product involves subjecting pulp, paper, or paper product to graphitization treatment at graphitization temperature in non-oxidizing environment.
  • 专利号:   US2018290890-A1, WO2018191023-A1
  • 发明人:   ZHAMU A, JANG B Z
  • 国际专利分类:   B82Y030/00, B82Y040/00, C01B032/182, C01B032/184, C01B031/04
  • 专利详细信息:   US2018290890-A1 11 Oct 2018 C01B-032/182 201871 Pages: 13 English
  • 申请详细信息:   US2018290890-A1 US484546 11 Apr 2017
  • 优先权号:   US484546

▎ 摘  要

NOVELTY - Producing graphene directly from a pulp, paper, or paper product involves subjecting pulp, paper, or paper product to a graphitization treatment at a graphitization temperature in the range of 1,500-3,400 degrees C and substantially non-oxidizing environment for a length of time sufficient for forming a graphene material product. USE - Method for producing graphene directly from a pulp, paper, or paper product. ADVANTAGE - The method is environmentally and eco-friendly, entails thermal conversion of paper products (particularly, post-consumer, reclaimed, or recycled paper products) in one step, dramatically shortening the time to produce graphene and avoiding the use of undesirable chemicals. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is included for a method for producing graphene directly from a wood product or wood ingredient, not including a paper or paper product obtained from wood, which involves subjecting wood product or wood ingredient to a graphitization treatment at a graphitization temperature in the range of 1,500-3,400 degrees C in a substantially non-oxidizing environment for a length of time sufficient for converting product to a graphene material product.