• 专利标题:   Piezoelectric paint comprises fluorine-based polymer, graphene oxide surface-modified with fluorine-based alcohol, and methyl ethyl ketone, dimethyl formamide, dimethylacetamide, triethylphosphate, and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone.
  • 专利号:   KR2548447-B1
  • 发明人:   JAEWON C, IM S H, KIM Y H
  • 专利权人:   JS CHEM CORP
  • 国际专利分类:   C08K003/04, C08K009/04, C09D127/16, C09D005/00, C09D007/62, H10N030/098, H10N030/857
  • 专利详细信息:   KR2548447-B1 28 Jun 2023 H10N-030/857 202354 Pages: 9
  • 申请详细信息:   KR2548447-B1 KR182809 23 Dec 2022
  • 优先权号:   KR162802

▎ 摘  要

NOVELTY - Piezoelectric paint comprises fluorine-based polymer, graphene oxide surface-modified with an alcohol surface modifier, and solvent. The alcohol surface modifier includes a fluorine-based alcohol. The surface-modified graphene oxide is contained in an amount of 0.0005-0.002 wt.% compared to the fluorine-based polymer. The fluorine-based alcohol has a trifluoromethyl functional group at the end. USE - Used as piezoelectric paint. ADVANTAGE - The piezoelectric paint: is capable of energy harvesting in a simple manner; and can be apply quickly without construction process that damages existing roads. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is also included for producing a piezoelectric paint composition comprising (1) preparing modified graphene oxide by mixing graphene oxide and an alcohol modifier, and (2) injecting the graphene oxide into a fluorine-based polymer and then mixing a solvent, where the alcohol modifier contains 25-55 vol.% fluorine-based alcohol.