• 专利标题:   Measuring life energy spectrum derived from natural world that influence on humans and communication between humans and all things in nature for treating diseases, preferably acquired immune deficiency syndrome, involves using life energy spectrum.
  • 专利号:   US2023201617-A1
  • 发明人:   ZHOU F, ZHANG S X, ZHOU L
  • 专利权人:   ZHOU F, ZHANG S X, ZHOU L
  • 国际专利分类:   A61B005/00, A61N002/00
  • 专利详细信息:   US2023201617-A1 29 Jun 2023 A61N-002/00 202355 English
  • 申请详细信息:   US2023201617-A1 US300955 27 Dec 2021
  • 优先权号:   US300955

▎ 摘  要

NOVELTY - Measuring a life energy spectrum (LES) derived from the natural world that influence on humans and communication between humans and all things in nature involves using life energy spectrum, which is in a wide spectrum range of 0.2 micrometers to 15 millimeters. USE - Method for measuring a life energy spectrum derived from the natural world that influence on humans and communication between humans and all things in nature for treating diseases, preferably acquired immune deficiency syndrome, kidney failure, malignant tumor, striated muscle ulcers, blood vessel embolism, cardiovascular disease, or infertility, for influencing plant seeds to repair and activate internal molecular biological functions of the plant seeds, used in an anthropomorphic LES artificial intelligence (Al) system in a field of life and health, and for an LES water functional nutrient solution, LES contraceptives, growth of rare drugs, LES nano silver fiber, fermentation tanks, various chips and the above-mentioned graphene film structure, fields of smart chemical energy, electronics, communications and services, LES sleep quilt and LES bedding series products (all claimed). ADVANTAGE - The method enables to measure a life energy spectrum derived from the natural world that influence on humans and communication between humans and all things in nature, which realizes effective regulation from the inside of living substances, coupled with human technology, the LES derived from nature adds more intelligent functions and realizes the state of life, regulates and repairs the negative feedback balance from within the living matter and from the non-living bodies of all things on the earth. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - INDEPENDENT CLAIMS are included for: (1) a method for utilizing a life energy spectrum that can influence on humans and communication between humans and all things in nature, where the life energy spectrum realize effective regulation from the inside of living substances; and (2) a device for generating life energy spectrum, which generates a life energy spectrum simulating a life energy spectrum derived from the natural world.