• 专利标题:   Production of graphene nanoribbons used in semiconductor device e.g. field effect transistor for electronic devices, involves synthesizing polyaromatic-based polymer by eliminating specific group from polymer, and bonding carbon atoms of aromatic ring from which specific group is eliminated.
  • 专利号:   JP2023085307-A
  • 发明人:   YAMAGUCHI J
  • 专利权人:   FUJITSU LTD
  • 国际专利分类:   B82Y040/00, C01B032/184, C08G061/10
  • 专利详细信息:   JP2023085307-A 20 Jun 2023 C01B-032/184 202355 Pages: 44 Japanese
  • 申请详细信息:   JP2023085307-A JP038652 13 Mar 2023
  • 优先权号:   JP091263, JP038652

▎ 摘  要

NOVELTY - Production of graphene nanoribbons involves (i) synthesizing a polyaromatic-based polymer (II) by eliminating mutual groups (X) from the group of polyaromatic hydrocarbon compounds (I) and bonding carbon atoms of the aromatic ring from which the group (Y') is eliminated, and (ii) synthesizing polyaromatic-based polymer (III) by eliminating group (Y') from the polymer (II) and bonding carbon atoms of the aromatic ring from which the group (Y') is eliminated. USE - Production of graphene nanoribbons used in semiconductor device e.g. field effect transistor for electronic devices. Uses include but are not limited to personal computer, supercomputer, server, smartphone, mobile phone, tablet terminal, sensor, camera, audio equipment, measuring device, and inspection device. ADVANTAGE - The method enables stable production of graphene nanoribbons having a predetermined length and width, by controlling the polymerization of compounds. The graphene nanoribbons provide semiconductor device having high performance. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - Production of graphene nanoribbons involves (i) synthesizing a poly aromatic-based polymer of formula (II) by eliminating mutual groups (X) from the group of poly aromatic hydrocarbon compounds of formula (I) and bonding carbon atoms of the aromatic ring from which the group (Y') is eliminated, and (ii) synthesizing polyaromatic-based polymer of formula (III) by eliminating group (Y') from the polymer (I) and bonding carbon atoms of the aromatic ring from which the group (Y') is eliminated. =1-3; t=1-4; n=degree of polymerization;and X,Y',Z'=group in which the bond energy with carbon atom of aromatic ring increases in the order of C-X bond, C-Y' bond and C-Z' bond, preferably I, Br, Cl, or F.