• 专利标题:   Photocatalyst used in e.g. capture and chemical conversion of air, water and soil pollutants, comprises three-dimensional structure of reduced graphene oxide and nanoplatelets of semiconductor e.g. gallium nitride or tungsten disulfide.
  • 专利号:   WO2023047009-A1, ES2937334-A1
  • 国际专利分类:   B01J021/18, B01J023/06, B01J027/051, B01J027/24, B01J035/00, B01J035/04, B01J035/10, B01J037/03, B01J037/04, B01J037/08, B01J037/16, B01J023/80, B01J023/85, B01J027/047, C01B032/198
  • 专利详细信息:   WO2023047009-A1 30 Mar 2023 B01J-021/18 202332 Pages: 63 Spanish
  • 申请详细信息:   WO2023047009-A1 WOES070609 23 Sep 2022
  • 优先权号:   ES030897

▎ 摘  要

NOVELTY - Photocatalyst comprises three-dimensional structure of reduced graphene oxide and nanoplatelets of at least one semiconductor. USE - The photocatalyst is useful in environmental protection technologies, capture and/or chemical conversion of air, water and soil pollutants, chemical reactions, and applications that require the use of porous materials (all claimed), preferably adsorption and degradation of organic or inorganic contaminants including heavy metals, petroleum, antibiotics, organic dyes or dyes and other contaminants from water, air or soil, remediation of soils to remove pesticides and other contaminants, capture and photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide, photocatalytic dissociation of water to produce oxygen and hydrogen, and capture and degradation of harmful tobacco products, and gas separation and storage; and as encapsulation agents in drug delivery systems, catalysts or catalyst supports, electrode and energy storage materials, supports for biomolecule immobilization (hybrid biocatalyst production) and cell scaffold material. ADVANTAGE - The photocatalyst: has high photocatalytic activity; does not need to be incorporated into solid support for its use; has simple preparation process with mild conditions, preferably temperature; exhibits catalytic properties superior to commercial photocatalysts; has stable porous three-dimensional monolithic structure that functions as integrated photocatalyst; has synergistic effect due to the photocatalytic activity of the semiconductor nanoplatelets and the reduced graphene oxide that acts as active support; has better performance, greater durability, possibility of reusing the catalyst, and reduced loss of active compound; has excellent interaction between the semiconductor and reduced graphene oxide, which facilitates charge separation, and improves the efficiency of the catalyst; and has excellent adsorption capacity for organic or inorganic molecules and/or particles, and thus it is capable of degrading the materials adsorbed on its surface through oxidation-reduction processes when exposed to light (UV or visible). The preparation method: does not generate secondary products, and thus generates less waste; is easy, versatile, environmentally friendly, low cost, and suitable for large-scale production. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is also included for preparation of the photocatalyst, comprising (a) preparing aqueous dispersion of graphene oxide nanoplatelets, nanoplatelets of at least one semiconductor, and reducing agent, and (b) heating the obtained dispersion without stirring to 45-90° C.